Montessori Across the World

Montessori passionately advocated for the human rights of the child, work which was continued by her youngest granddaughter, Renilde. Today, Montessori principles touch the lives of children and adults across the world, in refugee camps, remote communities and in support for those with dementia. Under its division “Educateurs sans Frontières” (EsF), AMI carries out global outreach projects, through the dedication and hard work of professionals and volunteers, to fulfil Montessori’s legacy of education for social reform. The following are just three of those projects:

Kenya, Africa: The Corner of Hope
The Corner of Hope was an initiative to see how Montessori teacher training and schools could be delivered in the most vulnerable of communities, those in refugee camps and in transit. Its aim is self-reliance not dependence, community not school. Developing self ownership and control, dignity and self-worth all of which have played an important role in overcoming the effects of the trauma they have experienced. The result is a thriving school and community centre, more than 75 trained teachers, a second school initiated by members of the community, and now satellite schools bringing Montessori education to the Samburu Nomadic Tribe. The transferable skills acquired will accompany both the adults and the children throughout their lives.  For more information see 

India: Community Rooted Education (CoRE)
As a result of the 2016 EsF Assembly in Hyderabad, an initiative was launched to provide early childhood care for children from low-income backgrounds in partnership with the local government. The result was Community Rooted Education, which through an initial 10-day teacher training course, followed by monthly workshops, introduced 55 teachers to the basic principles of Montessori practice. As part of the training, the centres have been transformed into Montessori environments. In addition to this work, in collaboration with the Telangana Minorities Residential Educational Institutions Society (TMREIS) , a pilot Montessori environment for children in an orphanage has been set up. For more information see

Global: Montessori for Dementia and Ageing
An incredible group of health professionals have developed a philosophy of care based on Montessori principles, for those living with dementia and dealing with ageing. The goal of the programme is to support those in need by creating a prepared environment, filled with cues and memory supports, that enables individuals to care for themselves, others, and their community. The approach treats people with the respect and dignity they deserve, so that they may live as independently as possible, for as long as possible. There is an AMI Advisory Group for Montessori for Dementia and Ageing, which is made up of professionals in ageing and health. The group carry out AMI certified training, and have produced a charter, standards and quality indicators for age care communities across the world. For more information see