There is a vital force in every human being which leads them to make ever greater efforts for the realisation of individual potentialities. Our...
We observe that a child occupied with matters that awaken his interest seems to blossom, to expand, evincing undreamed of character traits; his...
A three-year-old educated according to Montessori pedagogy, becomes master of his hand and undertakes with joy a variety of human activities. These...
There is no punishment or reward in our schools to interfere with the joy in the work itself. The only reward is in the completion of the work – it is...
When the child is finished [working] he is eager to share his joy, to help the little ones, and because the others have respected his work he never...
But the child is conscious of another kind of work which has its origin in life itself. If it were true that man need not work in order to live or man...
The little child who persists in his exercises, concentrated and absorbed, is obviously elaborating the constant man, the man of character, he who...
But when through exceptional circumstances work is the result of an inner, instinctive impulse, then even in the adult it assumes a wholly different...
Now the little child who manifests perseverance in his work as the first constructive act of his psychical life, and upon this act builds up internal...
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