The impressive revelation was the fact that small children can do a greater quantity of work with greater perfection than older ones. And the younger...
There is no punishment or reward in our schools to interfere with the joy in the work itself. The only reward is in the completion of the work – it is...
When the child is finished [working] he is eager to share his joy, to help the little ones, and because the others have respected his work he never...
When the child has acquired this independence his relation to the adult is changed. He is sweeter and calmer. He no longer lives under a repression...
And in these qualities of the child, she sees man as he ought to be: the worker who never tires, because what drives him on is a perennial enthusiasm...
The law of nature is order, and when order comes of itself, we know that we have re-entered the order of the universe. It is clear that nature...
The teacher keeps watch so that a child who is absorbed in his work is not disturbed by one of his companions. This office of being the ‘guardian...
The teacher becomes the keeper and custodian of the environment. She attends to this instead of being distracted by the children's restlessness. From...
...the teacher must know and experience in her daily life the secret of childhood. Through this she arrives not only at a deeper knowledge, but at a...
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