While language is formed from birth to one year, without the conscious will of the child being engaged, from one to two years of age language is...
A marvellous fact is that this absorbent mind never feels fatigue. It is just like a camera: it clicks, and everything is there all of a sudden.
Young children do not have to go to school to work. Playtime for them is a time of learning by practice. Every new movement which a little child makes...
During this early period, education must be understood as a help to the unfolding of the child's inborn psychic powers.
If the baby has not been able to work in accordance with the guidance of its sensitive period, it has lost its chance of a natural conquest....
Psychically speaking, at birth there is nothing at all—zero! Indeed, not only psychically, for at birth the child is almost paralytic... These great...
It follows that at the beginning of his life the individual can accomplish wonders - without effort and quite unconsciously.
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